Monthly Oracle

Oracles for the Collective

Dream Medicine by Rev Sensei Hanayo

Dream Medicine by Rev Sensei Hanayo Lakota (Dream Medicine Horse Woman) Anishinaabe (Dragonfly Medicine Woman) and Lakota: (Way Wakan Wei) ‘She speaks Sacred words’ in the four directions – with quadruple Pisces ocean astrology.

Horse medicine also brings a special type of healing to two particular equine traits –  authentic connection and heightened sensitivity. Many types of emotional damage to human beings can be healed through the experience of these two principles of horse wisdom. It is the task of a spiritually aware and skillful counsellor –  be that a human or a horse! –  to mirror back one’s emotional experience with authenticity, presence, honesty and acceptance in a way that feels a sense of real connection to another living being. Horse medicine is the soul Medicine of trust –  trust in oneself, trust in relationship, trust in our bodies, intuitions, instincts and in life itself, to guide us and provide us with what we need.

Thirty-five years of ongoing study, training and experience

Monthly Oracles for the Collective