Oracles 2024

What guidance from the Universe, is needed for the collective at this time?

April 8, 2024 (New Moon)

March 25, 2024 (Full Moon)

March 21, 2024 (Spring equinox)

March 10, 2024 (New Moon)

February 29, 2024 (Leap Year) Flourite – mental mastery

Flourite a multidimensional stone, carrying the laws of the universe into the physical and protects against electromagnetic stress, healing of bone, dental, stress related insomnia, and disturbances in the brain wave frequencies.

Your life is in need of organization, especially at the mental level. If the mind is not disciplined and focused, it is being allowed to wander aimlessly and thus it will create aimlessly also. When this happens, we create things in our life that we have no purpose for, these things then clutter our path. Flourite asks you to commit mentally and follow throughto the end with whatever is currently occurring, take everything one step at a time. One path is hard enough to stay on, why create more? Make a list of all the things you hve begun in life athar currently active and number them in order of importance, choose one and stick with it into completion. Once that is doen, look at how you did it and learn to do it faster, the greatest and only teacher is always self.

My mind creates my world.

February 24, 2024 (Full Moon) The Serpent

The serpent is the force of Mother Earth. Bringing passion, healing and renewal. Offering us the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, reminding us to shed the past the way she sheds her tired old skin, asking you to embrace the mystery, detaching from the old skin, embracing the vulnerability of the pink underbelly bringing you a fresh experience of your life. When you shed the past gracefully, life will not strip it away with great drama. So do not use your energies to seduce others, or allow yourself to be seduced, even by your own ideas!

February 9, 2024 (New Moon) She who rides the owl brings justice

The world can sometimes appear to be a disturbing and frightening place where negative activity leads to prosperity, whilst good and worthy people struggle and sacrifice. It is very easy with such a view for the pure of heart to become angry, bitter and despairing. However, you are meant to be a light in this world, important for you to remember and allow Great Spirit to support you, guide you back to truth, safeguarding your state of mind, to accomplish your life purpose as an Earth Warrior. The Divine is more powerful than any nightmare created by human. Remembering we are here to fight for love, using our strength of love, compassion, wisdom, light and kindness. Trust that the Divine will take care of the darkness.

January 25, 2024 (Full Moon) Remedy of the Grandmothers

Believe in the formidable power of healings, of the transformation that it can provide for all aspects of your being and your life. Medicine comes in many forms from Great Spirit to facilitate healing of body, of mind and of soul. Whether it is the correction of unhelpful habits of thought, guidance for the practical steps to resolve a physical imbalance or deep soul healing that frees you into fulfilment of your divine potential, there is no limit to what can be healed through grace. A current of divine healing is flowing to you and through you now. Open yourself up to participate in a beautiful healing transformation.

January 11, 2024 (New Moon) The Guardian of the Divine Feminine

Your relationship with Mother Earth is sacred, empowering and healing. You are destined to become more spiritually intimate with her, sharing in her creative potency and wisdom. Lean into her and trust in her support, even as you serve her by courageously voicing truth. She is your great ally, friend and healer and as you dedicate yourself to her, she dedicates herself to you.