Oracles 2021

December 21: (Winter solstice) (for 3 months until Spring equinox)

Sacred Revolution (Mandala) 46

Ellie is a goddess not known for her subtlety.  In the spiritual tradition from which she originates she is called on in times of War when demons seem to be getting the upper hand. he is the only Warrior determined end vicious enough to destroy the Destroyers. she’s Unstoppable except for when Divine Consciousness tells her that her job is done. her appearance Mark’s a time of sacred Revolution that cannot be stopped until it has come to successful completion.

The nature of revolution is the overthrowing of an existing hierarchy of control to replace it with a new one. usually, there is a philosophical and political purpose behind the process and that often involves forcibly overcoming an exploit is an abuse of power by those in positions of authority. however, Revolution without a sacred component to it won’t necessarily result in transformation or healing. there may be change different political parties could come to power for example but often enough it will be a case of the same problems with different perpetrators. 

What sets aside a revolution a secret is when it comes at a time when genuine transformation rather than superficial change is possible. change takes courage. We have to be willing to let go of what we have known and here uncertainty whilst we explored new possibilities and eventually evolve into a new way of being. Even with that willingness there are times when a pattern of the past has become so lodged in the psyche that Dental evolution is not possible. you could imagine it like a person screaming in unnecessary panic. you may try talking to them and soothing tones but if they are about to jump into a car and drive away putting themselves and others in Mortal Danger then a sharp slap might be in order to snap them out of Hysteria I’m into the present moment. it’s extreme but it’s helpful and necessary.

Inner world the hysteria and panic might relate to letting go of a relationship we believe in our life Ralph raft when in truth if we keep holding on to it it’s going to pull us right over the edge of a cliff down a light sanding waterfall. or perhaps it is a way of relating to power based in fear rather than loving empowerment. no matter how hard we try we just can’t seem to give up our attachment to feeling in control or we are so attached to the life we have known we aren’t willing to fly free from the nest stretching her wings and discovering our destiny. new paragraphs

When gentler methods aren’t effective I’m just lying timing requires a change to happen now sacred Revolution is invoked.  Kali may stomp into your nest kicking you out so that you realize that you can fly. she may rip the life raft out of your hands causing you to splinter temporarily Until you stand up and realize you can just walk safely out of the rampaging river. or she may knock the control freak dominating your mind on the head and set up her own temporary Divine dictatorship where she simply repeats, “love yourself and let go” until you do just that.

With this sacred Oracle be sure that you and your life are going to change. It might feel as if your hand is forced or even if you are choosing to go with the process it is wild and out-of-control. it will be. but that doesn’t make it unloving or unsafe. when Revolution is sacred it is divine love realigning your life. I don’t know there will probably be chaos you can be sure the New Order eventually imposed will be worth it. Viva la revolucion. 

December 18: (Full moon) Master of Crystals (Sirian) 

Corresponds to the element of Earth

In the Pentacles of the tarot this relates to one’s material possessions, business, wealth and aspects of physical health. Through the crystals, the flowers of the minerals of Earth, celebrating the elemental energies of this reality, honouring the elements of Gaia. The focus on the higher aspects and the ability to manifest Spirit into form, creation of abundance and prosperity and the examination of the true value of possessions versus spirit.

Understanding that you can never possess enough and that life is about being enough. Embracing abundance without being addicted to it is a prevalent theme in crystals. This Focus true the Earth sign of crystals betrays those aspects of our lives in which career security and financial success are important to the Seeker. We ask you, the seeker of wisdom, to look beyond, into the lens of the crystals for more.  

Through this Master energy enter the ultimate male authority, an inner strength and knowledge.  He has achieved Mastery of his own process, overcoming the ego self and reaching pure consciousness of the field of influence, through his kingdom that he has mastered, understanding the yin-yang harmony and spirit, the gentility of love, the unconditional depths of those waters and reach into the feminine aspect of his being, to exalt the energies of himself in emotions. Masters are leaders, their wisdom and authority is best utilized when they turn them back out to society, for the greater good and with it comes great responsibility.

December 4-6: (New Moon / Solar Eclipse) Yeshe Tsogyal 333 (WL) 33

Padmasambhava was called to Bhutan from Tibet to subdue demons that were causing difficulties for the people of the Paro Valley on the back of a supernatural Tigris landing at a cave high in the cliffs of Bhutan. He spent the next 3 years 3 months and 3 weeks and 3 days (2025/03/30) meditating and performing rituals to subdue the demons of the land, liberating Bhutan from terror into peace.

 The Tigress Yeshe Tsogyal, medine of spirit tiger, a Yogini guardian for Humanity and in the emanation of the compassionate goddess of peace, prosperity and long life known as White Tara.

Her presence here, indicates a boldness of spirit and willingness to engage your challenges will create the path to inevitable success. Representing out ability to generate spiritual power necessary to accomplish what needs to manifest for the greatest good, conquering negativities, refusing to be overcome. Symbol for navigating treacherous territory, and the triumph of light over darkness, controlling the poisons of anger and hatred, transforming them into passion, clarity and unwavering commitment to one’s higher purpose.

Enforcing support is with you and our human planetary family, augering empowerment and healing by assuming a confident attitude and taking steps forward. A negative time is drawing to a close and encourages commitment to the task of overcoming even the most severely negative energies, through spiritual practices suited to you. Making progress, one step at a time, attracting the right teachers and guides for assistance, including friends, healers, synchronicity, circumstance and opportunity.

November 20 (Full Moon) Cosmic Womb (Shaman Dream) 6

Creativity, the divine feminine

Reminder of birthing a beautiful new process into being. Full of life and love, passion and spirit. It is a perfect expression of you, imbued with Love incarnate and ignited by the vital spark received form the Divine. 

If you have had a difficult time in recent memory feeling dry and stagnant or lost and unsupported, this changing right now. Feeling newly inspired, as so many ideas beckon for your attention. Safe to explore. This is the most fertile cycle of your life right now, intuitively keen, with heart wide open, mindful that each step is effortlessly supported by the divine helpers.

November 25: Lost Compass (Shaman Dream) 35

Getting back to the integrity, rely on your intuition be wary of signs and advice, they are not reliable right now

You need to find new counselors, you’re not getting the mentoring you need for your success. Who is the person you look up to as a model, trash that ideal, tear up the picture you carrying your mind, you are meant to be you, not the best copy of your dearest friend

love me or leave me, sometimes you have to lose your bearings and find yourself a new to discover a new course. Trust your deepest feelings even when others don’t support them

Not knowing where you are going is an opportunity to find a way to a new path.

October 20 (Full Moon) Messages from the Universe 

The universal law of justice and freedom rules in everyone, for everyone, and through everyone.  Being in harmony with the will of my Soul, neither a person nor a situation can prevent me from attaining my highest good.  I trust God’s infinite wisdom.  Everything is now working out, perfectly now.

October 11: Medicine Horse (Tribe) Prayers on the Path 41

I am a medicine horse bringing you the message of freedom Journey on progress. Do not act as though you are a beast of burden. claim your innate Divine dignity. allow yourself to feel and be grateful. Recognize and honor your needs for rest openness safety and respect. Inability to Hear learn I’m feeling spiritual truth which will guide you in every aspect of your life Journey it’s opening up. connect with your spirit. Live Your Truth

 there is a powerful sacred bond between your soul and the animal kingdom. If you have a beloved animal who has left this world for the spirit world here is the message that this beautiful being is protected by a great spirit and is loved I’m peaceful now

 the creation is completely forgiven and completely forgiven. You are also guided to honor the inner knowing that flows naturally from your instincts and. I see respect your inner guiding wisdom, your life experience will improve. You will successfully navigate your way around negativity. Healing spirit communication and loving repair of the sense of South after any type of abuse is indicated. There is spiritual support and assistance for a journey ahead that will take you far. Progress is being made.

Medicine Hot Springs healing gifts for the Mind Body and Soul. The horse is a healer. This Oracle indicates that of time of significant healing is at hand. Sometimes the most powerful healing Crystal level happens subtly. It may involve emotional catharsis and dramatic psychological aha moments but it often happens almost invisibly without us realizing how much our inner work is reshaping us from within. eventually, we experienced the fruits of our in our journey. Our interpretations of past experiences change and Powers to leave behind old points of view former identities and negative expectations for the future. we begin to feel the lightness and promise of our spirit. We discover and take Delight in our own Divine Beauty. We have made progress and a New Horizon opens up.

Horse medicine also brings a special type of healing through two particular equine traits that play some authentic connection and heightened sensitivity. Many types of emotional damage to human beings can be healed through the experience of these two principles of horse wisdom. It is the task of the spiritually aware and skillful counselor – these are not a human or a horse! – no mirror back 1 emotional experience with authenticity presents honesty and acceptance in a way that feels a sense of real connection to another living being. Horse medicine is the soul Medicine of trust licenses trust in oneself trust in relationships trust in our bodies intuitions instincts and in life itself to guide us and provide us with what we need.

Humans can recognize and develop healing compassion for their own wounded tendency towards hypervigilance and defensiveness to witness the same Exquisite sensitivity of the horse. Witnessing the equine survival mechanism of the herd can help us to address the wound around trust. Seeing her behavior may allow perhaps for the first time as an adult a person to honor the need for genuine connection and healing community at a deep level and see how vital it is to the ability to survive and thrive. When medicine horse comes to you there is a deepening in your aliveness a release of automatic reactivity and defensiveness and an inability to be increasingly alive authentic and real. You will believe more and more that the Universe has your back and has blessed you with the resources that you need not only to survive but also to thrive. You will also understand that you do not need to take this journey alone.

The horse doesn’t want to be held back in any way and its appearance is a sign of progress being made in our physical worldly Pursuits and especially in the inner process of Soul healing. Horse medicine is helpful for cultivating a loving and respectful relationship with the body rather than trying to dominate it with the mind. It can help us and undo patterns of abuse and learn to trust in bodily instincts and wisdom. It is also especially helpful medicine for developing a constructive attitude towards fear. Horse helps us acknowledge all our emotions including fear and contain them so that we feel heard without censorship yet also safe and held. We can mention all the vital energy of our emotions into a conscious choice that allows for Progress vitality and engagement with the world.

September 18: Straddling Worlds (Shaman Dream) 52 

Windows straddling worlds card shows up, it’s an invitation to get used to living with one foot in your old world and one foot in the new. There is no going back to the way things once were and what will be is not yet fully here. You must find the delicate balance that can bring you to light as you relish the past and all your memories along with awe as you Glimpse the astonishing and exciting future

Do not wait for applause to move on quietly humbly invisible to others.  This card brings an invitation to beginning not only a new chapter but a new book in your life. Do not break the news to anyone, let people be as surprised as you are as you reinvent yourself.   make sure you are not just a slightly improved and more polished version of a dated and obsolete you.   brace yourself into someone original.   do not feel like you have to explain yourself or be understood by anyone.   become a mystery even to yourself.   gaze into the mirror one morning and be pleasantly surprised.

 Straddling world’s invites you to become a true wizard, not one who performs magic tricks but one who has mastered the dance between the visible and the invisible worlds,  between the Realms of form and formlessness.   you are the Bursar of new ideas of original and sustainable ways of being in the world.

September 24: Vanishing Mirror (Shaman Dream) 58 Ego Sublimation

Do you ever wonder if your self definition has become too rigid, too fixed around what you’ve come to learn so that you contract your life into zones of safe versus unsafe? this here is okay but over there well that might be too risky? Judgment fear, self-righteousness and overconfidence are only some of the traits that keep you from evolving.

We are all products of our conditioning so remember that this is part of the human experience. Yet you are not meant to remain  static, sticking only what you expect even if it appears ambitious is still too narrow. You go nowhere when you hesitate to move out of your comfort zone. When you focus too much on yourself this way you become a servant of the Eco it said just got out removing the magic of possibility.

Imagine looking into a mirror and seeing only what you are now. If you can let yourself define soften moving beyond that Veil to your potential a magic emptiness exists where all things are possible. Look again, who could you be? What would you see reflected if you allowed yourself to be other than how you define yourself now? Nothing less is required of you now. In this moment let go of who you think you are and allow a new you to emerge. You will recognize yourself as a partner in co-creation in service to the divine. Doesn’t it feel good doesn’t it feel good? 

August 13: Friday the 13thDakini of Infinite Light (WL) 9

Actualise spiritual abilities and teach the inner path of awakening.

Dakini to protect from negativities and restore our vital energies. Teaches how to act with wisdom. Reflecting on her teachings through our dreams and proceed to unravel them, to become stronger. 

Guidance from a complete and true enlightenment to ensure taking most beneficial steps on spiritual path, to heal and repair what is broken, provide protection during vulnerable transitions, beyond known worlds. 

Also from misfortune and negatives of all including manipulated, controlled or exploited. 

Material abundance, bringing light and shining on clarity for steps to take.  

Bringing increased light into my life and not to give up.

August 12: Closing Lion’s Gate PortalNine of Flames (Sirian)

I have taken this dream and creative passion through inception, materialization, opposition and battle.  Although I am wounded, I stand strong in my commitment and determination.  Standing in front of the great pyramid of Giza, which has withstood the winds of time for thousands and thousands of years.  Wounded by strong and flames surround, like an army behind a general.

A figure of undefeatable force of conviction, standing for truth, and the right to express it.  This particular key is one with which the Starseed warrior must contend, for we are here to stand for this great Earth and our belief in her sovereignty, no matter what we will come up against.  Like the major arcana key, Reflection, this key asks the querent to consider and reflect upon all that has taken the querent to this point until now. 

 Am I prepared to stand tall for what I believe in – no matter what is thrown at me? Am I a symbol of truth and valor to others? Can I rally the troops in support of my ideas and goals? Am I fearless in the light of obstruction and opposition? Do I really know my strength?

August 8: Open Lion’s Gate Portal & the New MoonHanging man (Sirian) 12

Like a preborn infant in the womb, reversing self to prepare for passage out of the state of suspended animation of one world into the next. Observing reality from an inverted perspective, potential energy disengaged, floating, meditating, surrendering. 

Looking at things from a different perspective.  Opportunities to be reborn. Into a new spiritual consciousness. On a vision quest, opening to an altered state of awareness, experiencing new insights.

The key is associated with meditation, selflessness, new perspectives, reversal of ideas, silence, stillness.

July 29: Messages from the Universe

The plan of my life is now unfolding step by step, according to the will of my Higher Self.  I acknowledge each one of its stages with serenity, detachment and joy, knowing that I am always lovingly and wisely guided on my path toward the full realization of my true potential. 

Are we in the rebirthing process? Work your light

You’re already doing it – Stop overthinking. Keep facing your true north – Confirmation Card

Do not question things so much. You are on the right track. You are facing the right way. Stop overthinking it. It’s happening. And you are closer than you think.

You are exactly where you need to be and things are moving at the perfect speed. Do not rush it. Now is not the time to be impatient, now is the time to walk steady. There is no rush. What you are building is being built. What you have planted soon will blossom. With every new day, a new brick is being laid. You have come a long way. The foundations are steady; now all that is needed is for you to trust and keep walking forward.

If a thought that things should be moving faster enters your head, that is just your ego comparing your rising to someone else. Comparison is not your friend. Stay in your lane, water your own garden, knowing that your time to bloom will come soon.

Where to go from here? Indigo (Sirian Starseed) 1

A new generation of star seed children are known as indigo’s highly evolved Souls they come into life with their eyes wide open and out with a very clear understanding of who they are and what they have come to do. The indigo is a magician of sorts she knows that she has the innate ability to create and mold reality through focussed intention and with the use of the tools at her disposal in the world of matter she recognizes that she is the water of the emotional body the flame of power the breath of life and the crystalline body. Indigo’s deep blue eyes are like the oceans of Gaia herself magnetic

Otherworldly and infinite. through them, she gazes out at the Seeker just as she pulls her back into the endless Seas of her being she knows the immensity of her auric field and all that she brings from Spirit into the three-dimensional reality. In these small but masterful hands, she offers perfectly faceted quartz crystal Allen’s to another world. Escorts magnify stores and transmit energy and Consciousness through thought so does the physical body the Temple of the Soul serves as a bioelectric unit of Consciousness through which magic is made manifest.  She is showing us an archetypal tool with which to sharpen our Focus offering us a magical gift. Through her, we clean and understand of how using our conscious mind like pure Crystal the focus lens serves as the template from which we weave the magic of Our Lives. Whether that focuses on the light or the darkness is up to the individual it is focussed Minds that determines the outcome.   indigo is the number one. She used to begin the new. She represents focussed intention concentration and the Art of manifestation. 

June 25: Super full strawberry moon

She invites you to ask yourself three questions. 

How am I using my potential to manifest my desires? 

How am I using the tools available to me to affect my reality? 

What experience do I bring to the situation that can impact others? 

Am I misusing my power to achieve my desired outcome? 

Our Lady of Passion (Mother Mary) 9

Light within grows to bring some point of meaning to help others grow too. Focus on your passionate purpose now. 

Like a blossoming rose, there will be no doubts as it unfolds and how to live and how to proceed. Message of passion that is already in the realm of readiness.

June 20/21: – (4th door of Summer solstice) Blessings of Kumu (Tribe) 32

Pacha Karmaq “nourishment of the soul”

You are granted the gifts of fertility, creativity and Earthly abundance to support all needs the nourishing body, mind and soul and to live your life fully and be capable of manifesting your Divine Purpose. Give yourself permission to be nourished. This includes your body and also providing your heart, your mind, your soul with what they are hungry for, sweetness, Divine love and permission to be authentic. When you feed yourself that which truly nourishes you, wisely and generously, you shall become one who can also Feed the World. for which it truly hungers. 

Blessings of Kumu (Shaman) Wild Woman 62

When the wild woman comes to dance in your reading you’re invited to shine brightly and to know that your true self is being called out to engage the world. This is a symbol that your long-held dream is beginning to take root and wants to be expressed. You are sent itself doesn’t fit in a box; it needs the freedom to shine. It’s time to have courage and step into the light. The wild woman says, “shine brightly, dance with abandon, be yourself, and let the Great Spirit side what happens”

June 10: New moon eclipse – Magic (Shaman) 33

The symbol represents the infinite intelligence of God spirit; it makes the fundamental fabric of the universe. We experienced the evidence of this magic through synchronicity, or meaningful coincidence.

When magic appears, you’re invited to see the world through the eyes of Wonder and all, taking on the innocence of a child who knows all things are possible. Infinite potential exists in the great mind and you are being invited to call it in and recognize the dance and synchronistic events, signs, symbols and Omens given to you through the Oracle of the Ordinary World. This is a sign that spirit is reminding you that you could go create your world and its sacred partnership. Your part is to dream, 10th end and to watch for the signs that show you what next action to take. Right now it appears that you are on the right track to make your dreams come true. Great spirit is listening and acting on your behalf. Pay attention. Magic gives birth to miracles.

June 5: Pueo Guardian of the Aumakua (Tribal) 24

No matter how compelling and experience of challenge, Darkness or defeat may seem, you have Divine protection and the promise of safe Passage through to the dawn. You will see and hear the truth of the light. You shall not be alone on this journey. Soul guides now help you find your true north. If you have been proceeding along a dangerous path, even unknowingly, Pueo will navigate you safely Away From Evil and L wishing, guiding you back to your higher purpose and sacred path.

Information that may have been hidden for a time will come to light. There is a guiding intelligence assisting you safely through a situation in your life that is otherwise confusing or dangerous for you. They’re Divine Powers helping you in all situations you do with battles, unfairness or Injustice, whether you are consciously aware of these things or not. Trust in the signs that we see and especially in the truth that you hear – sometimes beneath what is actually being said. (I WAS JUST QUESTIONING THIS, KNOWING THAT WHAT IS BEING SAID TO ME, IS OPPOSITE TO WHAT IS INDICATED) 

The accuracy of your insights and perceptions are heightened at this time. Aumakua,  in Hawaiian, refers to’ venerable ancestors’.   this Oracle also indicates that loved ones on the other side are sending you love and are receiving your prayers and intentions for their own healing.  (TODAY IS GINNY’S BIRTHDAY, I WAS JUST LOOKING AT A JOURNAL I MADE FOR HER PASSING TODAY) 

To the form of pueo, the Guardian owl of Hawaii, (YESTERDAY, I HAD SAVED 3 PHOTOS OF BEAUTIFUL GRAY OWL) invisible help from the spiritual world is with you, guiding and protecting you through spiritual warfare, seen and unseen. 

May 25: Our Lady of Divine Direction (Mary) 35

I am guiding you my child and I asked you to trust me. Recently you had or soon will have a sudden change in Direction in a matter that perhaps surprises you. Do not resist this, allow my hand to guide the course of your life. I have foreseen a pitfall that you can easily avoid while still reaching your destination. Pray to me and trust and together we shall Journey towards the goal.

There are times when the quickest way to a destination is not the most obvious or direct route. When you have the Wise Eyes of the mother watching over your journey she will not hurt you to take an alternative route if there is a big hole in the middle of the road up ahead, even though you can’t see it as of yet. Perhaps you have had an experience driving home when you felt that your usual route wasn’t a good idea. You either trust your gut and go a different way only to find out later there was a big accident and backed up traffic on your traditional route. Where you ignored your intuition ended up only at that big accident and stuck in the bathtub traffic. This mundane example can apply to larger circumstances. Perhaps you are trying to enter into a particular course or apply for a particular job only to find that, again and again, you are knocked back. Now yes if this is truly in your heart then you must continue. Perhaps the facts are helping you build trust and self-belief, which you will need to be able to do the job that you are seeking without losing your inner connection and spirituality.

This might be so especially if the company you are eventually going to work for has some dark or negative Tendencies and its corporate culture. Perhaps part of your undercover spiritual work and taking on administrative roles there for example is to help balance the spiritual light in the organization. You would need a stronger Inner Light to be able to do that and not become depressed and dis-disconnected in that toxic culture.   circumstances in your life might be building your inner light so that you are ready for your future work. This happens more often than we might expect.

However, if something is not true in your heart but it’s more in your mind out of habit or not seeing any other way then you may well find clothing stores. If you were to glance behind those doors you would notice mother Mary on the other side shutting them firmly in your face after whispering to you to go down the hall and try a different door.

Our Lady of Divine Direction arises when you are pursuing a path and there was going to be a nudge in a different direction. This is either coming soon or has just happened. This Oracle says to trust in that reason for it will become apparent later on. It might be to build yourself spiritually or could simply be a timing issue; it might however indicate then that a slightly different path is actually going to help you to get where you need to go. If you have pulled Our Lady of starting over as well then the change in direction is timely now and will probably be quite obvious in nature.

You might need a lot of trusts because you’re changing direction may not materialize straight away. If you have ever seen a large boat change course and you are a large soul oh, beloved, hence the analogy then you will know that it seems too slow almost to a standstill as it Maneuvers into a New Direction. Once it is on course again eventually it picks up power and it’s full steam ahead. It will be the same for you. No matter what the details of your particular situation may be, there is a need for trust. This helps the flow of healing change so it is much easier for us to sense what we need to do, or perhaps even not to, to allow the new way to manifest itself.

If you have been praying for change but it is yet to show itself, this Oracle comes with this message for you oh, the holy Divine mother has heard your prayer and is responding. Circumstances are being set up in your life so that you can easily receive the New Direction in the best possible way. Sometimes this will happen unexpectedly. Sometimes we will need great patience while we wait. Sometimes we will need great courage to act.

April 11-13, 2021 – New Moon (Manifest for the month)

Shaktipat of Seahorse (WL) 31

You have an innate capacity to Manifest, relax and you shall attract all you need. 

Embrace my inner essence, to be at peace with who I am, including my vulnerability, not need to conform to social ideals that have no true resonance in my heart. 

March 17: Our Lady of Growth Assured (MM) 30

There is a beautiful manifestation, which you have long desired, coming to fruition now. It is important to the wellbeing of your own soul, and the healing of our world, that you have patience and allow this birth to happen at the best timing. If it happens too soon or too late, there will be unnecessary complications. I will take care of the timing and as you trust me, you will find the birth of your dream happens naturally and with great joy.

There is something that you are considering embarking upon – either a new project, or taking a chance on a new interest or social connection, or even a new philosophy. Perhaps it is a letting go that will lead to a new water. The oracle of Our Lady of Growth Assured comes to tell you that your success is already determined in heaven. What needs to be now is your continued effort and prayer, surrender and patience on the physical plane, and most importantly, your positive expectation (without any attachment as to how it will happen) that your situation is working out and will manifest perfectly.

If we want to manifest something truly special in our lives, something that perhaps is a little out of the ordinary or contrary to what most people think is possible, then the blessing of Our Lady of Growth Assured is very helpful. To manifest, we start with the inspiration or impulse from our heavenly divine self. That translates into inspired ideas, then thoughts and perhaps plans. As we add our heart and passionate energy into the mix, we generate the fire we need to eventually act on opportunities in the physical world, so that our manifestation can be complete and successful.

The more extraordinary our desired manifestation, the more it is likely to challenge mass beliefs, or tip our world upside down (even in the most wonderful way), and the more likely it is that there will be delays or difficulties with our manifestation. That is because we will be bumping up against some powerful opposing forces. The negative expectations of the world can cause even the brightest spirit to slump from time to time, losing energy and forgetting to trust in the unconditional love and incredible power of the divine Mother. So when this happens, our manifestation process might get a little bumpy, hitting some snags here and there. If we come back to our centre, using the healing process for this oracle, we speed up the process again, getting back on track.

Our Lady of Growth Assured comes to tell us not to give kup. She tells us to have patience, and work on feeling open-hearted and open-minded about our manifestations and how they can come into being. We work on feeling the energy of what we want to create – so if it is abundance, for example, we work on cultivating that feeling of abundance as best we can. All the while remaining open to the manifestation of our intentions, without attachment as to how, when, or what it will look like.

She tells us not to turn away in fear of failure, especially as when this oracle comes to us, our manifestation is actually not far away at all! There is an expression that ‘it is always darkest before the dawn.’ This is true with the manifestation process. Often when all seems most hopeless, and signs of future life of our desires are apparently non-existent, it is the moment before the birth. We must keep our faith and not require that we see all in advance, or even that we have proof along the way that something is happening. It can be hard to trust in such circumstances, but if it helps bring your dreams to life then it is worth the effort! The oracle of Our Lady of Growth Assured brings you help in trusting in your process now, and a message that your desires are coming to life. Trust, and know in your heart, that your growth is assured, and that your dreams are manifesting, at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

February 17: Bath Kol  (WL) 8

She is a mysterious creature, an angel known as the divine oracle, the daughter of the divine voice, the pure and true sound of spirit. When she whispers into the heart, it is an inner knowing, a truth, confronting fear or moving in unexpected directions. The deep resonance of this truth is more powerful than any resistance. 

Her voice is always true, always healing, always in harmony with the higher loving plan of the universal heart, for all hearts. Hers is the healing sound, the voice of divine prophecy, telling what shall be, but with the highest potential with a blessing that manifests the ultimate goodness within each person, she speaks to. 

Spiritual transformation and material manifestation from courage bring rewards.

Indicating a voice that is true and needs to be acknowledged and heard without judgment or censorship. 

Could be teaching from a dream, a trusted voice of another, or a voice in one’s own heart. 

You have a powerful voice, which can foster healing and wisdom on our planet.

January 19: Crossroads of destiny (Mandala) 42

A pivotal point on my life journey. With a life-changing decision before you. An insignificant choice is going to have on my future. Leave the past behind with this mastery of the cycle of life, with a new cycle to begin. Listening to my heart. 

Comfort in familiarity, things need to change to stay fresh. Until change knocks on the door (or kicks it down) making changes that affect my future. This living process created tremendous growth and evolution. Shedding that which no longer serves me (fear of self-representing, learning curve, and voicing my rights) Opening to receive that which does.  Understanding ramifications of my decisions, possible outcomes and making a clear logical choice, as to what will serve me best.

Using the voice of intuition, from the heart (flawless inner compass) brings the most joyful experience. (repayment of lost funds) Beyond what if something goes wrong (fears of the mind) 

This oracle affirms we have crossed the threshold into a new way and that it is time to leave the fears of the past behind.  Protected, assisted, and guided along the way. 

Jan 1: Garuda Suparna (WL) 42

Where is this all leading to for 2021? 

Cultivate confidence in yourself. You have the inner spiritual power to deal wisely and effectively with any situation.  Don’t allow anyone to take advantage of your kind nature.  Reflect upon what action feels best for you to take and then follow through with decisiveness.  Do not allow negativity to get a grip in your life.  Positive energy and outcomes are indicated.

To have powerful wings and to fly well. Fly great distances and reach tremendous heights. Conqueror of poisons. Rebirth and warrior. EGO-WISDOM-POSITIVITY-BEYOND COMPASSION AND EMPATHY

EAGLE SOCIALIZE WITH EAGLE… at a higher path / different belief systems but same frequency. Grow large enough to block the sun and cause thunderstorms with wings as well as small enough to avoid capture. 

Divine protection and soul smart strategy. 

Wild spirit, fee and instinctive

Rise above negativity, with wisdom and clarity, rely on instincts and true to heart.