Oracles 2022

December 22, 2022 (New Moon) First ray of power -1

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time?

The first ray of power is energy of conscious destruction. It can be used in a healthy way to eliminate the past and allow for a fresh start. The first ray also carries the frequency of leadership. It can assist you to stand in the truth of your light so others can find their way by it. It helps to strengthen your will power so you can accomplish any task you choose. The Ascended Master El Morya brings you his particular blessing and encourages you to believe in your own strength and take the initiatives on what matters most to you.

If you are confused about which path to take or whether to continue a certain relationship, course of action or lifestyle choice, the first ray of power will clarify matters for you. When it moves through our lives, whatever is holding us back will be removed – either through circumstances seemingly beyond our own control or by our own actions based on a sudden inner knowing.

December 6, 2022 (Full Moon) Spiritual Service -21

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time?

Self doubt can be a habit that is hard to break. It can slow down your spiritual progress and the fulfilment of your life purpose. Ultimately, it won’t stop you but it can make your progress seem more challenging. It’s easier to fulfil your purpose when you acknowledge your own goodness and talent and do what you love to the best of your ability. Realize that you are enough, that your work is good and that you have something of value to offer. It is time to let go of fear of failure, concern about your ability and your right to live a happy and fulfilled life of success. The Universe believes in you.

You are being called to service beyond that which you have accomplished thus far. That is because you are ready, capable and willing to step up to another level of spiritual responsibility and freedom. Your mind however may question you ability. You may be afraid that you cannot perform well enough. These are nothing more than wounded beliefs about your self worth. It is time to recognize these wounding and not empower these beliefs as truths anymore. Be kind to your mind. It will be happier and free from the pain they cause and become more realistic about your gifts and potential. Now it is time for you to trust love more than your wounds, by simply asking how you can serve the greater good at this time. The answer will never be to shrink back in fear. It will always be to choose belief over doubt and to move ahead.

November 22, 2022 (Full Moon) Star child -8

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time?

Dreaming of other places you would prefer to be? Grounding yourself here on Earth enables you to fulfil your life mission. You belong here, relax and trust you are meant to be here. You have a special light to share and a particular vibration to live, so that the quotient of spiritual light on the earth increases. As you learn to accept human beings as they are, without despairing over their darker side, as we dismantle old structures and create new ways of being. Remember you came to this planet to learn and to help others to heal.

There are three truths that will help you embrace your journey on this planet. Firstly, you carry the purity of your star ancestry in your heart. (returning to them in meditation, sleep or relaxation any time) Secondly, you are so filled with love that your are capable of loving all on this planet. Thirdly, as a star-seeded being, you have special resources for your journey here on Earth. Your every spiritual request and need will be met by a loving team of helpers. Just remember that the stars shine with joy in the sky and you can shine as a star with joy upon the Earth. This is how you can best fulfil your life mission.

November 6, 2022 (Full Moon) Divine Talents -39

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time?

You have spiritual talents, some of which have been developed in other lifetimes and will simply and suddenly ‘spring back to life’ as if from out of the blue this lifetime. Others need a little more attention, patience and effort to be brought to life in the world. This is particularly the case for you at this time if you have also drawn (or are also attracted to read the message now) the oracle of Past Life Activation.

Sometimes there is fear in sharing talents, sometimes involves shame, isolation, ridicule, fear or even torture of death from this or another lifetime, as a response to your sharing you talents for healing and helping others. Or you may need to acknowledge your talents or believe in yourself, your abilities and your capacity to use those talents. This oracle reminds you to do what makes you happy, to chase your sacred bliss and express yourself in the world via the unique and special abilities that the Divine has bestowed upon you. When you follow what you love, you are on your life path and you shall succeed, beloved.

October 24, 2022 (New Moon) The Law of Efficiency -32 Divine Grace

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time?

The law of efficiency is also sometimes known as the path of least resistance. We must find the strength that comes from letting go and trusting that the Universe knows what it is doing! It takes spiritual maturity to cede to wisdom greater than your own immediate understanding. Then you are surfing the wave rather than swimming against the current. How efficient to work with life and its cycles, rather than believing you must struggle and strain to be heard, loved, rewarded and inspired. You have that maturity within you. Trust now. Trust all will come in time.

October 9, 2022 (Full Moon) You and your loved ones are safe (Moonology)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time?

New moon in Cancer: There is a new start coming, something is rising up in connection with the people and places you hold dearest. Its time to reconnect with family, yourself bringing your hearts desire. This can be an emotional time but will be in your favor, especially for family matters.

Some suggestions: Let someone get closer to you / a new cycle is happening for the children / renew goals / meditation to banish insecurities / go to the waters to gain back peace and answers

September 25, 2022 (New Moon) 963Hz -21 (White Lights)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

The tone of 963Hz unlocks the radiant luminosity of your lightbody, the inner essence flowing unimpeded. This alchemical process to distil value from an circumstance and transform it. This is a cosmic particle accelerator which facilitates graceful return to the loving wisdom, and creative resourcefulness of spirit. Bringing you a message that the light and whatever it arouses in your heart and alights in your being – with passionate gratitude and delicious hunger for more – is powerful enough to capture, captivate and heal you.

September 10, 2022 (Full Moon) The Journey -29 (Mystical Shaman)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

The journey is calling you but the timing is premature. Collecting postcards or fantasies of where you want to go may take over your focus and make you miss your destiny. Other things must be completed first, or you may still be attached to knowing the destination. Remember tat the point of the journey is not the destination, its who you will become as you are transformed along the way. Do not confuse the inner and the outer journey.

September 9, 2022 (09-09-2022) Nourishment -10 (Crystal angels)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

If you have been asking for help to heal your health, this oracle says not to give up. Keep looking for answers and trust your intuition as you are guided from within to the information you need. Even if it takes several steps, you will be led to what you need. Do not give up until you get your answers. You deserve this much commitment from yourself to yourself and the Universe is completely committed to helping you succeed.

August 27, 2022 (New Moon) Garuda Suparna – 42 (White Lights)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

Seek those who resonate at a similar spiritual frequency and are committed to a higher path. This is a talisman message for those who happen upon this oracle at this time, for divine protection and soul-smart strategy. Garuda is a wild spirit, free and instinctive. His is the wisdom and empowerment needed to rise above negativity, not from avoidance but from a place of of wisdom and clarity. This oracle guides you to rely on your instincts and be true to your heart.

August 11, 2022 (Full Moon) The Mystic Shaman -38 (Mystical Shaman)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

You are invited to consider the ability to live without attachment. You are called to create and dream you life, to act on inspiration and divine impulse without fixating on a known story of success or achievement. Can you impartially observe the stories y9ou tell yourself and others? What if you could become a mystery to yourself? Who would you become if you stopped telling the tales that have defined you up until now? You do not have to live in a story that has roots in the past. What if there were no need to explain you to anyone, not even to yourself? The way to your most extraordinary life is to become a blank slate and allow the form of your dreams and desires to show up, as it will. This is a sign of manifesting a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Be careful what you pray for. The Mystical Shaman cautions you against relentless attachment to a certain form that you thin will make you happy, prosperous, famous, loved, etc. However, in seeing your dream come into being, had you considered what you were willing to sacrifice for it? Perhaps you have been telling yourself a certain story for so l9ong – the story that only when you reach this particular goal will you be happy, that you will arrive – you didn’t even notice you’re no longer the person who wanted those outcomes. You may have moved beyond those stories. Perhaps it’s time to admit to yourself that you need to imagine a new story that is more in alignment with who you have become. This is just one moment in millions of moments in the continuum of a life. Let it go. Let it be just a story and move on. Better tales are waiting to be told.

August 8, 2022 (Lionsgate Portal) The Crow -13 (Mystical Shaman)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

Crow the keeper of universal law, the law of truth. Crow teaches us to walk our talk, to find congruence between who we say we are and who we really know ourselves to be. This winged one insists that we speak truth, that we create truth instead of searching for it, and that we bring truth to every situation we find ourselves in.

When you speak the truth and practice truth, eventually everything you say becomes true. Your power to co-create with the truth is the universal law. Correct what is untrue in you l8ife without judgment. Le the truth set you free. Be true to your word! Crow arrives jut as we have convinced ourselves that what we are doing is right and justified. And while this may be the case in the realm of relative truth, in the higher realm of absolute truth it is not. Look deeply into your heart and remain alert, lest you convince yourself of something that isn’t deeply true for you, or perhaps is not the highest truth. Do not seduce yourself with illusions.

July 28, 2022 (New Moon in Leo) Magnetism of Eros (White Light)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

Eros is Greek for Love… your passionate, open, engaged love for life and affirmation of life. Opposite to Thanatos, which is the drive behind our undermining, self defeating and self harming behaviors, in a misguided attempt to heal ourselves or make ourselves feel better. When we act negatively, despite our best intentions to be positive, part of us is trying to to tell a story that is yet to be fully heard. Until that story is heard, we cannot let it go. We get stuck in a negative loop. We need Eros to embrace life, including our negative experiences. By acknowledging and healing our suffering, we can find the courage and wisdom to live more fully through vulnerability to recognize our own strength and dignity. We are able to let go and heal.

This oracle brings the message that life has particular gifts to share with you. There is a promise of deep soulful connection with your true self and with others and a healing realization that you are truly desired and loved. You are encouraged to explore new pathways, especially if you feel out of your depth and a bit vulnerable in doing so – more so if they involve personal healing. A path is opening up for you. It may not the easiest way forward but when your heart leaps at the prospect of it, know something truly special is unfolding for you through that pathway. Trust where your heart is leading you.

July 13, 2022 (Super Full Moon) The biggest super full flower moon of 2022 rises – Crossroad of destiny (Crystal mandala)

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

Goddess Hecate and Mica assisting the truth that familiarity doesn’t really create security. All things change by natural law with time. Your mind needs reminding to remember you are secure even though changing circumstances that lead you towards an unknown world. Which will eventually become known to you, with its own boundaries and some predictability and familiarity until again change knocks at your door (or kicks it down) to make more decisions. Destiny is not a simple destination but a living process causing growth and evolution. The mind will want to analyse and create logic but the heart will lead to truth bringing the most joyous outcome, which might not be the safest route and create doubt but the heart is your flawless inner compass.

Let all your choices come from your heart, if it brings joy, beyond the fear and doubt of the past. It is safe to trust this call to new life, that you feel inside. It is your destiny urging you forward into so much grace.

June 14, 2022 (Powerful strawberry Full Moon in Sagittarius) You are good enough (Moonology) through the Full Moon in Virgo

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

When this magical moment happens, get ready to feel energy electrify you to pursue new horizons and embrace change. Stepping out of your comfort zone will be the mood of the moment, as you dare to shake off the past few months and drive your heart toward summer! Allow a surge of adrenaline to push you to take flight. You are ready for the next chapter.

There are three phases to the crisis mechanism. Every passage through the three phases and each one of the crises contains the possibility of finding solutions that previously did not exist, i.e. breaking new ground.

Oracle: It’s time to be really honest with yourself and understand what’s lead you to seek. Have you been humble to the point of self-effacing, underrating yourself or have you been too picky. Worrying too much will attract the same, overly critical, second guessing. Raise your karma by doing good for someone else. Declutter, what is good for your life and what is not serving you? Clear out your energies, salt baths, emptying the mind and begin to more frequently practice groundedness and living a healthier life.

May 15, 2022 (Flower Full Moon Eclipse) Gibbous Moon (Moonology) You’re very close to achieving your goal

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

Eclipse season isn’t always a walk in the park. These rough-and-tumble cosmic periods have a tendency to bring about sudden realizations and massive shifts in our lives. It’ll be bringing our emotions to a climax and purging away anything that we need to leave behind — whether we feel ready or not. Also nicknamed the Flower Moon, the spiritual meaning of May’s lunar climax reminds that going from seed to bloom requires a full transformation, and that kind of rebirth isn’t always easy.

This eclipse is taking place in the deep and powerful sign of Scorpio, which brings issues of power, control, and secrecy to the forefront, and asks us to face the truth at the heart of it all. The meaning of this lunation is to look beyond the surface of our lives and get real with what’s lurking in the shadows so we can finally bring it into the light. As the sign associated with transformation, Scorpio energy helps us purge our emotional baggage to make room for growth. Be ready to face your feelings and acknowledge the skeletons in your closet.

With Mercury retrograde also in effect, we’ll want to temper this zealousness with some caution and thoughtfulness — but this cosmic cocktail can certainly help us see the magic and motivation that lies ahead post-eclipse. Full moons are typically an auspicious time for release rituals or other manifestation practices, but during eclipses, it’s best to hold off on any magical moon ceremonies. Eclipses can be chaotic, as they often bring sudden change, rapid growth, and unexpected opportunities — so instead of trying to focus on your own desires and intentions, open your heart to whatever life is attempting to offer you. Trust that what’s shed during this lunar event is meant to be, and is making room for things are more aligned with your core.

Oracle: Bulging moon, bulging with possibilities and coming to a peak

You’re being reminded that some adjustments may yet be required before you get what you want, through you’re certainly on the right track, which is hopefully reassuring for you. However, there is also a sense that the situation is a bit tense, so don’t push too hard – one false move and the whole thing could blow! Review your plans, keep momentum going towards your dreams, stay focused, start new project, good health habits.

April 30, 2022 (New Black Moon in Taurus: Solar eclipse) Obsidian ( Liquid Crystal) True Self Reflection

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time? 

Evolve with me now. Call the 3 stars from the heavens above and let them, Rest In Your Eyes. In blinding blue light, let them expand to 13 and come to rest at home, in an infinite embrace with the ancient moons. In a simple call of power, unite them now at the heart and explore Self into the Velvet black light of all that is, the point of universal birth. We will Journey now to the Self perceived darkest corridors and by the light of my being this reflection of Truth within you will be obvious. Beware I am Direct in my action if you dare walk my path Embrace Self and transmute all by my Earthly flame of Truth, to love, you may never choose to return to your old life of unrest.

In acceptance of my gifts and in the definition of the Shadows embrace, you now see and feel me in reality, for there is nothing to fear in the limitless light I represent. In the reality of the Spirit’s unity we are nurturing and eternally loyal to Divine purpose. Let us re-right the path of light in Humanity will hide in the shadows no more and journey proudly to the Stars within and finally above us to Glory.

It is time to be truthful above self and your actions in the world. The presence of obsidian lets you know the time to take action is now here. There is something that you are unable or unwilling to see, that is interfering in your life’s progress. Consciously or unconsciously this untruth has led you to a space of inaction. If such things are allowed to exist overtime they only lead to pain and suffering. If there is truth in the Self, there will be love, for the Self. If there is love for the Self, then there will be Harmony and balance in the Self, once this exists, peace will live in you and spill into your world in a blinding light of unconditional love.

Obsidian also often presents as a protective Force when needed to deliver the truth behind illness. An exercise we may do to facilitate the purification of the Shadow Self, which will seem silly but is very effective. Stand where you see your Shadow and from the understanding that water is unconditional liquid light, wash it. This is not an exercise for the lounge room and is most effective on the beach with a bucket of salt water but the hose the back will be just fine

Animal totem; jackal

Essential oil; benzoin

April 16, 2022 (Full  Moon) Music (Earth Magic) Harmony

What guidance is needed in the collective, at this time? 

This is a time of considerable harmony, one where the various elements in your life are flowing together smoothly.  Just as in musical harmony, it is the interface of these elements merge into a cycle of symmetry and balance that evokes feelings of harmony.  The challenge is to sustain this inner accord even when there is considerable dissonance outside of your own mind, heart and body. 

Note the sensations, emotions and thoughts you experience when everything seems to be moving along. Take three deep breaths and let your breathing be the anchor that reminds you of this state of consciousness.  Whenever you perceive chaos around you, know that it is a mirror for your inner turmoil.  When you recognize this, take three or more breaths to bring forth the memory of those moments when your life was like a symphony.  Then every time you exhale, you are releasing the energy of your internal state of harmony into the world and it will have amazing effects. 

Mar 20, 2022 – (Spring Equinox) Kunzite  (Liquid Crystal) Heart Activation

What guidance is needed for the collective for today? 

On this day, let it be known, in the tears of light that fall from the sixth Moon, an ocean will be born in the Sacred heart.  Always in the Perfection of spirit, the creative avenues are fueled by a mind attuned to an open heart. It is this that is my gift to you, let us change the world.

Activate the heart to the pink Ray of unconditional love, then express that into creation via a mind attuned to the universal consciousness of the Violet Ray, let your desire to live in a spiritual world become a reality.

You now see the Divine in all things, cultivating unconditional love in the movement back to heaven on Earth; we will manifest a vision of light within and all around you. Let us hold the Chalice to the last river and carry the sacred and flowing silver Waters of Isis back to their home in the sky above.

She has come to you to activate the heart and open you to a new level of love both internally and in the world around you. kunzite reminds us that as the world around us evolves and changes, the levels of love and activities that must be undertaken to recognize that love also vary. she comes as a messenger entering life when we are missing something that the world around us is offering; she has come to help you see through the heart and receive what you deserve not by defining it, but simply knowing it is there an absolute open-hearted deserving Trust. 

In the coming days, hold your judgments, mental chatter, and perceptions and trust your feelings without the need to label them, just feel your way. Let your heart be your guide and the unconditional love that surrounds us will have a chance to enter your life. Just as a falling tree in the forest won’t break the Eternal silence if there is no one there to hear it, unconditional love will also be all around you if you simply allow and don’t limit it with the mind. Affirming: In peace, I walk the path of the Active Heart.

 animal totem; macaw / parrot

 essential oil; rosewood

Mar 18, 2022 – (Full Moon) Lodestone/Magnetite (Liquid Crystal) Earth Embrace

What guidance is needed for the collective for today? 

Close your eyes glorious one, align to me, now breathe till your breath and mine are one. Sink into the Earth; let her pulse run through you, this is one of my many roles. I polarize you to your Earth and all she represents, I am a conductor of her energies, her will and mine are one.

Together we work to lift you to the ascended state that is your Birthright. We will remove the walls on your spiritual path, allowing confidence in the cycle of you. From birth to death and back, I will Aid you in the absolute commitment to the spiritual self and its movement. Feel my stabilizing touch and enter the Earth. Take my hand; accept your physical Mastery and then fly to the heavens of your own creation.

The masculine and feminine aspects of self are attempting to find balance. Often this will present as spells Of dizziness, a feeling of being lost in Life or unanchored in the physical world. the choices we make in the world are best made from a balanced space, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, if they are not, life and its Pathways can become one-sided and lose their potency. If we allow the mental and physical worlds to be more masculine and the emotional and spiritual worlds to be more feminine, balance is often easier to find. simply be aware of where you spend most of your time. lodestone also comes into people’s lives to deliver realizations as to the curing Pathways and cause of disease or illness.

Sit and by intention balance and align your chakras system affirming; I embrace my physicality, it is the greatest creation of the eternal spirit that I am.

 animal totem; worm

 essential oil;  patchouli

Mar 8, 2022 (International Women’s Day) Sulphur – Physical radiance (Liquid Crystal) Illuminel

What guidance is needed for the collective for today? 

Born from the released fire of Earth, I am a master in the realm of explosive eruption and the fiery nature. My flame in your hand will soften the edges of expressions and situations, taming the Roaring Flames that only manifest pain.

Sit down and let us nurture the fire of you to a warm glow by which you can seek comfort and guidance without the fear of being burned. In the orange red glow of your newly disciplined light and vitality, rise now and shine physically radiant in the world.

Now, harbouring the power of the yellow Ray, lift your will and creativity. Embrace your fiery potential and see perfection in all that you do. Stare deeply into your own eyes, until you see the dancing Flames, let them melt away all that blocks you and the many paths you manifest. The venue has been Bennu, a vision of the spirits glory physically realized.

Sulphur has come see you today for there is heat in your life that needs to be controlled and mastered. Fire is one of the greatest Catalyst on Earth, the hand that wields it is always responsible for that which it destroys or create. If you are in the process of decision, because yes, it may contain hidden fire.

Sulphur also delivers the message of physical Radiance, asking you to love yourself physically, a time to see yourself. This powerful crystal is also coming into your life to lift your vital force, empower you and prepare you to manifest That which you have chosen. The energies of the lion are ancient, holding much spiritual significance in many cultures from Nibiru to Egypt, on this day he walks at your side. Will you hear the Lion’s Roar?

Essential oil: Citronella

March 2, 2022 (New Moon) Daring Rebirth (Crystal Mandala) 41

What guidance is needed in the collective, at this time? 

It takes daring to imagine a new life. Bold Menace of spirit unwillingness are needed to allow yourself to embrace and live that different life. You can be in this world as you choose to be. The truth of you can have many different versions; some fearful, some free. There is so Much that is possible for you to experience in this life. You have the light and power of a living son inside of you!

Reverse is a new life, a different life, a different you, that is truthful, authentic and yet more vibrant, radiant, Vivid and free. It is possible for you to have all this. The requirement for rebirth however, and experience of shamanic death. this is not physical death. It is spiritual transformation. It requires that whatever is keeping you from living a happier, Freer, more beautiful, joyful and soul satisfying life be sacrificed Karma be allowed to die, so to speak, so you can be born anew. To the extent you have believed yourself to be those things, cells are attached to them or they that your identity was wrapped up in them, you will feel like you are dying along with them. You are changed through this process. You will not feel, think, behave or believe as you did prior to it. Shamanic death create transformation so profound as to allow a more real you to emerge from the process. It’s strips you of what you have believed yourself to be and what is left is the real you, unencumbered, unveiled and true.

The need for daring is because shamanic death and rebirth can frighten the Mind. Whilst you will be celebrating after the process happens, when you are going through it, your steers will be stimulated. This is supposed to happen. How else can you lay your fears aside unless you confront them and choose to let them go? If they are hiding in the shadows, you cannot deal with them.

Your fear might be a of success, of your own value, of being alone, or being rejected, abandoned, judged, ridiculed, shamed or ignored. Your fear might be that you’ll mess up or regret your decision. It might be that you won’t know who you are if you are not your job, relationship, role as a parent or healer, or any other limited identity you have try to project your entire being into. Life on the other side of that fear might seem unfathomable to your mind. You might worry that you will simply Cease to exist. just to be clear or whatever, no one who has transitioned from fear-based reality into love based reality has ever said, or will ever say, I miss my fear-based reality! Although it can be painful, what you are giving up will not be a cause for regret. new paragraphs the extent to which you are willing to dare, to confront and release your fear (rather than believe your fears are accurate reflections of reality) Is the extent to which you can experience rebirth. Your reverse can be so radical, so daring, that you will feel as though you are living an entirely different life within this one lifetime.

The Oracle of Daring rebirth comes to you when there is an opportunity to confront a fear and release date, to let go of a belief system or behaviour that is getting in the way of your life that you actually dream of living. It’s your decision whether to challenge that fear now, later or at all. If you are doubting your Readiness and capacity however, this Oracle suggests that you are more ready than you think you are and that your time is now.

There is a new you emerging. It might shock your friends and family. People may accuse you of not being you anymore, but you are becoming more you than ever before. Trust the new you emerging in the greater authenticity and strength you are discovering in yourself. You do not have to squash your being to fit in with the expectations of another. Through daring rebirth, you tap into the courage you need not only to go through the process of transformation, but the spiritual sassiness you need to give yourself permission to love and be the new you that emerges at the other side of it. Treasure. Self reborn, for it has been hard 1 and is a Divine treasure.

February 16, 2022 (Full Strawberry Moon) (Crystal Mandala) 43 Goddess Matangi and Heliotrope 888

What guidance is needed in the collective, at this time? 

Already there is value

We bring you the empowerment to see that already there is value. It is natural for Creative Energy to become excited by new possibilities, new ideas, and new forms. It is also possible however for Creative Energy to become engaged in liberating the Undiscovered value within that which already exists. Polishing it until it shines with Divine Light. Sometimes there is a need to shed the past and all associated with it completely, starting afresh. However, at other times there is something of value from the past that can if allowed to bask in the light of your creativity, become very valuable to your future. In Your Enthusiasm to move forward in life, don’t forget to take the value that already exists in your world along with you.

The Innovative, creative mind tends to be future-oriented. We can see how things could be. There is excitement for what is yet to be and a desire to embrace the new and perhaps a feeling of excitement for what is unusual and stands apart from what has been. This can be healthy and helpful. Nunez can bring energy and uplifting change. It is wise, however, to not rapidly Cast Away all that has been to make space for the new. It is a question of discernment and degree. Sometimes it will be appropriate to take Extreme Measures to purge the past.

At other times it is simply not necessary and if you do not pause to consider the value of what you are releasing, you may lose valuable resources that will support your future.   Perhaps it is an idea it will need to be further worked upon for the full Divine Brilliance to be revealed or connection that already exists and is going to unexpectedly rise up and support you and your Divine work in some way. Whether there is an old idea that has been completed, an opportunity not yet acted on, or information not yet taken in and digested, the Oracle says that something valuable is right under your nose.

It may well be the very thing that helps you bridge the past and the future. You are guided to sit with your creative efforts and what already exists in your life, with your relationships, your possessions, the information you have at your disposal. Is there information, a project situation, or inner guidance you have already received that you are yet to fully integrate and apply in your life? Is there something within that could be beneficial to you? Use your intuition. Allow yourself to feel for your inner guidance. Is there something you have to quickly dismiss as trash that could actually be Transformed into treasure? if you are inspired to reinvigorate a past practice, to review or reinvent yourself, a brand, or a project, then Oracle brings encouragement for this process.

If you are going through a creative process of growth perhaps having completed a body of work with a certain philosophy or approach and now feeling to head in a different direction, or perhaps as a parent now stepping into a professional arena, for example, this Oracle brings you Guidance. Do not dismiss the value of what you have done up until this point. It is in no way diminished because you are growing.   You are growing because you have done all you have done! Your past efforts cannot continue to have a positive impact on the lives of others even whilst you move on with your life into the next phase of your journey.

January 17, 2022 (Full moon) (Sirian Starseed) Ten Orbs / 5 Challices / 2 Flames

What guidance is needed for the collective at this time?

What is completing in the Ten of Orbs we see that you have reached the end of a struggle in your mind or your communication with others.  Can you release it and surrender, opening to a new beginning – a new perspective.  When will you realize that there is nothing left in this mental pattern, so that you can be free to embark on something new! 

Entering into a collective state of the 5 Challices – 3 challices are down but 2 remain standing, grieving for the past and unable to see what is truly left to focus upon with gratitude. What are you pining over – Are you ready to shift your focus to all you still have to be grateful for? How can you let go of the past and move on? Do you understand how you are creating your own disappointment in the unfolding of the situation that has you in such sorrow? 

Breaking through to the two of flames, About recognizing more than one option and determining the best way to move the creative flow forward for the good of the one and the all and making it manifest on Earth.  From the perspective of one’s individual process, it speaks to the querent of choosing the right path that will lead to dominion and materialization of the creative inspired process. To the many inspired Spirit Warriors and light workers who have come to take part in the earth in transition, it also illustrates how the starseed intention to serve as a leader or guide at this time will require reflection, discernment and an understanding of how focussed intent is the tool of leadership, which brings Spirit into manifestation.  

How do you decide which of your inspired ideas and processes is most significant at this time? Do you know how to ground your passion and dreams and manifest them? Are you still searching for your mission, I’m sure which way to walk your path? Do you have the substance to lead others with the light of your spirit and wisdom?

January 2: (New moon) Medicine Horse (Earth Warriors) 41

Progress on the Path

I am medicine horse, bringing you the message of freedom, journey and progress. Do not act as though you are a beast of burden. Claim your innate divine dignity. Allow yourself to feel and be graceful. Recognize and honour your needs for rest, openness, safety and respect. An ability to hear, know and feel spiritual truth, which will guide you in every aspect of your life journey, is opening up.  Connect with your spirit. Live your truth.

There is a powerful and sacred bond between your soul and the animal kingdom. If you have a beloved animal who has left this world for the spirit world, here is the message that this beautiful being is protected by Great Spirit and is loved and peaceful. That creature is completely forgiven and completely forgiving. You are also guided to honour the inner knowing that flows naturally from your instincts and intuition. as you respect your inner guiding wisdom, your life experience will improve. You will successfully navigate your way around negativity. Healing, spirit communication and loving repair of the sense of self after any type of abuse is indicated. There is spiritual support and assistance for a journey ahead that will take you far. Progress is being made.

Medicine Horse brings healing gifts for the Mind, Body and Soul. Horse is a Healer. This Oracle indicates that a time of significant healing is at hand. Sometimes the most powerful healing at a soul level happens subtly. It may involve emotional catharsis and dramatic psychological ‘aha!’ moments but it often happens almost invisibly, without us realizing how much our inner work is reshaping us from within. Eventually, we experience the fruits of our inner journey. Our interpretation of past experiences changes, empowering us to leave behind old points of view, former identities and negative expectations for the future. We begin to feel the lightness and promise of our spirit. We discover and take delight in our own divine beauty. We have made progress and a new horizon opens up.

Horse medicine also brings a special type of healing to two particular equine traits –  authentic connection and heightened sensitivity. Many types of emotional damage to human beings can be healed through the experience of these two principles of horse wisdom. It is the task of a spiritually aware and skillful counsellor –  be that a human or a horse! –  to mirror back one’s emotional experience with authenticity, presence, honesty and acceptance in a way that feels a sense of real connection to another living being. Horse medicine is the soul Medicine of trust –  trust in oneself, trust in relationship, trust in our bodies, intuitions, instincts and in life itself, to guide us and provide us with what we need.

Humans can recognize and develop healing compassion for their own wounded tendency towards hypervigilance and defensiveness through witnessing the exquisite sensitivity of the horse.   Witnessing the equine survival mechanism of the herd can help us address the wound around trust. Seeing herd behaviour may allow, perhaps for the first time as an adult, a person to honour the need for genuine connection and healing community at a deep level and see how vital it is to the ability to survive and thrive. When Medicine Horse comes to you, there is a deepening in your aliveness, a release of aromatic reactivity and defensiveness and an ability to be increasingly alive, authentic and real. You will believe more and more that the Universe has your back and has blessed you with the resources that you need, not only to survive but also to thrive. You will also understand that you do not need to take this journey alone.

Horse doesn’t want to be held back in any way and its appearance is a sign of progress being made in our physical, worldly pursuits –  especially in the inner process of soul healing. Horse medicine is helpful for cultivating a loving and respectful relationship with the body, rather than trying to dominate it with mind. It can help us in undoing patterns of abuse and learning to trust in bodily instincts and wisdom. It is also especially helpful medicine for helping a constructive attitude towards fear. Horse helps us acknowledge all our emotions, including fear, and contain them so that we feel heard, without censorship, yet also safe and held. We can then channel the vital energy of our emotions into conscious choices that allows for the progress, vitality and engagement with the world.

January 1: (New year) Dvara Patra (WL) 38

What guidance is needed for the collective for this year?

From the Head to the Heart calibration…

The Holy Grail is the sacred chalice. It is a powerful living, regenerative, and deeply healing symbol of hope and blessing. It will interact with each soul in its own way. For your soul that may involve a recognition that the light is always seeking you, wanting to feel and heal and bless and protect you, to initiate you into awareness of the realms of light, beauty, and divine presence.  It may remind your heart to receive that you are capable of being a channel for goodness oh, Grace, abundance, and pure light. It may be recognized as a sign of a future blessing, of something truly desired finally coming to pass.   

The sacred grail is hope, it is a blessing. It is both a portent of fulfillment and the inner means of which we connect with the loving language of light and truly receive.  In Sanskrit, patra means ‘goblet or vessel.’  It is not only an object but can be a teaching or even a sublime teacher or heavenly being within whom we can dwell.  It is that which holds us in a loving way, our soft place to fall.  In learning how to receive, we also learn how to be received, how to be fully beheld, which is an expression of unconditional love.  When we experience being so loved, we learn how to love in such a way, too.  We become a true receiver, nurturer, and protector of the heart.  The sacred chalice reminds us of our potential to hold, but also of the generosity of the Universe in providing for us so we too can be held and receive all we need.

Dvara is Sanskrit for a pathway, an opening or portal, as a doorway, or even a means or method.  The oracle of Dvara Patra indicates the way for your deepest fulfillment is via the receptive faculty of the sacred feminine.  The feminine way is organic, creative, responsive, spontaneous and effective.  It is not constrained by our human perceptions of what is or not possible.  To honour and empower the sacred feminine genius in our lives requires a considerable shift away from mainstream conditioning and into spiritual surrender.  Allowing her method, rather than blocking her loving creativity in our lives, entails the movement from head to heart. 

That means you will not necessarily understand how a situation will work out.  Yet, you will feel inner guidance to proceed in a particular way.  Your inner guidance will often seem to disregard the otherwise convincing realities of the outer world.  That inner wisdom has allegiance to a deeper truth than appearances can convey.  You may wonder at times if you are crazy to follow an internal guidance system so at odds with the way the majority of people move about in this world, yet you will know in the depths of your being that your inner guidance is true and wise.  As you invert your priorities from ego to soul, you’ll invert your locus of orientation from head to heart, from outer to inner reality.  You will trust what your heart knows, whether or not it makes sense to your logical mind – or anyone else’s, for that matter.  This oracle foretells a happy, heartfelt manifestation, a true blessing coming to life.